Would you believe we got even more snow today? Not a lot, maybe an inch between yesterday and today, but it's almost depressing. It's a heavy, wet snow and the temps are right around freezing, so the roads are extremely muddy and difficult to drive on. We took my little car (Toyota Echo) to a friend's house because she lives on a paved road. We use our big 4WD truck (i.e. the big gas hog) to go back and forth to her house and then get my car and drive where we need to go, and then drive back to her house, leave my care there, and get back into the truck and slog around in the mud to drive home. I think the mud season will go on for another month.
Usually around this time we are getting the garden soil ready and tilling up the ground. I always start my seedlings inside and this year I even got a late start. But look at how big my tomatoes are already! The plants are about 12 inches or more tall. Not sure what I should do. Maybe trim them?
Growing tomatoes in the living room |
Check out this photo from exactly one year ago. We had blossoms on our Nanking cherry trees, and bees on the blossoms! Not this year, that's for sure! What a difference a year makes!
In 2012 bees were on cherry trees on this date in April! |
Well, at least our chickens are still happy. And still laying plenty of eggs. We have a few "rainbow layers", Australorpes and Araucanas, that lay a light blue egg. Most of our other hens are Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. Here is today's egg gathering:
We are hoping to gather maple sap tomorrow if the sun comes out. Today was cloudy and snowing and the sap didn't run. If all goes well, we plan to fire up the evaporator on Saturday and I will post photos of our progress.