Everyone here is so excited! Spring has finally sprung for us! The snow is gone, and we are more than ready to get into outdoor work. Today I canned up the last of the maple syrup that we made. This weekend we will pull the taps and discard the bags, and I will boil and sanitize the stainless steel taps to put away for next year. We ended up with a little over 4 and a half gallons of syrup, which is quite low for us, but with the deep snow and difficulty getting around in the sugarbush, we decided this was "enough". There's always next year.
The plants I started in the living room under grow lights are more than ready to be hardened off and set out next month. This weekend I will clean up the greenhouse and set the plants out there to harden up for a couple weeks. This always brings out the "green-ness" of the plants and makes them strong. I will also be planting spinach and snow peas and salad greens in readiness for our first market day in June.
Harold was busy getting the beehives ready for new bees. Our bees did not make it through the long extremely cold winter. This is not uncommon for us northern beekeepers. We have new bees coming in early May, so Harold was cleaning up the hive frames, and scraping propolis and discarding dead bees. We have the electric fence on right now, even though there are no bees yet, because the bears are out of hibernation and hungry and they love to tear apart the beehives looking for food! Last year the bears tore up a couple hives before we could put the fencer on, and they really made a mess of things. We have a very powerful electric fence guarding the bees. It won't kill the bears, but they sure don't like it!
We are very fortunate that we are not in a flooding zone. Many farmers in the Red River Valley near Fargo have flooded fields, and they are very much behind schedule for planting. Our yard is still soft and waterlogged, but the warm temps this weekend and next week should make everything nice for us to get back to work here on Honey B Farm!
The last of the jars of maple syrup I canned up this afternoon. Twenty-six more jars! |
A close-up of a beautiful jar of maple syrup! It is clear and just the right color. We filter our syrup through 3 pre-filters, an orlon filter and a wool felt filter to get this nice and clear. |
The plants in my living room are more than ready for setting out. |
All the snow is gone now and I am ready for yard work and planting in my greenhouse. The pile of dirt to the left of the greenhouse is good composted manure I got from a local farmer. Some of it will go into the greenhouse and the rest will be scattered over the main garden. |
Harold spent the afternoon cleaning up beehive boxes and getting ready for the new bees which will be coming in early May. |