On Christmas Eve I always get very sentimental and recall some of my Christmas holidays from the past. Somehow it seems like those days were less stressful and happier - or is it just the fading of memories and time? Maybe they WERE happier and simpler times, as today's world seems to be so crazy and way too politically correct. Here are some photos from the past, going back to my own very first Christmas! (not that I would remember that!)
My first Christmas with Dad and Mom back in 1948 |
A few years later, in 1953 with sister Diana and parents. Look at that tree!! |
Christmas 1954, my sister and I got new dolls! | | | | |
My twin boys' first Christmas, not sure which one is Kelly or Jerry as they looked very much alike back then! How cute in their little outfits! |
A few years later in 1977. I still wear that hat! |
Christmas 1982 - with new coat |
For some reason I don't have many more photos of other Christmases. I think those holidays were either filmed with video, or the photos are in a box somewhere else. And Christmases from the past couple years didn't have any photos of me or my kids.
Growing up, Christmas was a very special time. We had all the traditional Polish customs and foods (kielbasa, kieflies, and the great Christmas Eve dinner vigilia with its own traditional dishes) , and the church service at midnight where the choir sang Polish carols, in Polish. In later years here in Minnesota I spent almost 20 years playing organ at various churches for services on Christmas Eve. That was always something I enjoyed, and I felt it was something I could do for others to make their Christmas memorable. I remember driving home one night in 1993 in a total white out blizzard. It took me over 3 hours to drive 26 miles in near zero visibility.
Now that I am older, I miss those Christmases of long ago. My grown children now make Christmas memories with their families. And I don't have quite the energy I used to have to make Christmas special. Just putting up decorations takes longer! But I always try to include traditional foods, put up old time decorations from the old days, and play those Polish Christmas carols on the organ. I look at old photos, read some treasured Christmas stories, and draw from my rich heritage to make THIS Christmas as special as I can make it!
I hope that everyone will have a joyous and Blessed Christmas as we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, who came to earth just for us and our salvation! Merry Christmas to all!
Love the pictures!!!
Thank you for sharing your memories with us
Are you sure you were once that young? heh Love the pix too. And you mentioning removing your Christmas decorations already? Boo. I'm going to leave my lights on till at least the end of Jan. As long as I'm home alone, the inside stuff will remain where it is also. :-)
Mr. Anonymous
Those are great old pictures. Love seeing them. I think the carpet in the top 2 pictures looks like the carpet piece grandma had in her dining room for years..could be wrong though.
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