A while back I wrote about how the roof shingles were torn from our house during a wind storm. We bought enough tin roofing material to fix the roof in the section that was stripped down to the tar paper. We decided to go with a tin roof this time, instead of replacing shingles, since the whole roof isn't right after the wind storm. But we can only afford to do one section at a time. It seemed like the weather wouldn't cooperate - it was either raining or too windy or too cold (and windy). But yesterday, we finally were able to get the job done. No one was available to help us, so we just did it ourselves. I worked on the ground dragging sheets of roofing material in position to haul up the roof, and marked places where screws needed to go with a magic marker. Harold was up on the roof maneuvering the tin sheets and screwing them down with special screws we had to buy. Before we could do this, Harold also had to put down a thin layer of padding to bring the bare spot of the roof up to the same level as the shingles, because we put the tin roof right over the existing roof. Anyway, it is done! And wouldn't you know - it's supposed to rain later this weekend and into next. Just in time! Here's what things looked like:
Harold attached himself to a rope, and dragged the tin sheets up to the roof on a ladder with another rope and vice grip (after he got up there). I was on the bottom helping to guide the metal sheet up the ladder. |
Then Harold had to turn the metal sheet around and into position. The sheet is 4 ft wide and 21 ft long. |
This was on the steep, unfinished side of the house. The sheets interlock and are screwed down. |
The finished repair. |
Looks good and will be extremely functional. Good job! B
I see a porch!
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