Wow - the summer is going by so quickly! Can it really be August now? One more month of summer and we are back into the "winter is coming" mode. Ugh.
The garden is recovering nicely after the torrential rains of June, and we are having a very successful farm Market. Yesterday we sold about 35 pounds of green beans, about half the honey we had left, all my breads, and a great many heads of romaine and leaf lettuce. Harold built a nifty little cart to attach behind my riding mower so I can drive up to the garden and load 'er up with produce and then drive back home to the back door. Sure beats lugging buckets of heavy produce by hand! I'm getting too old for that! Anyway, check it out. Seems like my curious cats are checking it out, too!
Harold used some more of that "scrap iron" to build a great veggie cart that I pull with my lawn mower! |
Speaking of market, this was our set up yesterday. We are allotted an 8 x 10 space. Market is every Thursday afternoon until freeze up in October.
Not sure what Harold is doing. The cooler has gallon bags of leaf lettuce keeping cool. Other lettuces are standing in plastic tubs of cold water, as well as the smaller tubs of cilantro and basil. |
Remember that Ferris wheel planter that Harold made for me? The flowers are so pretty in it now:
Take a look at our beehives - lots of honey supers are on! We anticipate a great honey year. The bees are working like crazy now.
Another month to go and we will probably put on a couple more layers of honey supers. |
Unfortunately, our grapes got a fungus disease. Too much rain, too much humidity. We might have prevented this with an application of a fungal spray, but we didn't get it in time. With this disease, the grapes turn brown and shrivel up. We will have NO grapes this year. sigh.
My poor dying grapes. |
Oh well, you can't win them all.
I'm so sorry you lost your grapes. Will they come back next year?
I think so - but we will need to spray a fungicide early. We had this problem last year, but managed to save our grapes by pruning out the infected vines. This year the problem was worse because of too much rain.
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