Today our bees arrived! We sent them out to California with our beekeeping friend Josh over the winter, along with his hundreds of hives. Thanks to his great generosity, we sent out 6 hives and got back 32 (but one hive is for our neighbor). So this year, we are starting off with 31 hives! Thank you Josh! While out in CA he split some hives, and got a good deal on hundreds of other hives. We will begin our 8th year as hobby farm beekeepers. We started keeping bees in 2008. Early in 2008 (in February of that year) we took a beekeeping course at the Univ of Minnesota.
Today we inspected all the hives and fed them a pollen patty and some sugar syrup. It was sort of a cool and windy day, but when the sun came out, the bees already began to work. The dandelions are in full bloom and the bees really love dandelions. We are hoping for a really good year for honey! Between the bees, the greenhouse, and the gardens, our busy season is about to explode into crazy full time work!
Josh unloads bees from the truck. |
Consulting with Harold about where the bees should go. In the background you can see our apple tree is in full bloom |
We put a pollen patty on top of the hive, and poured some sugar syrup into the hive feeder. |
While inspecting all the hives, the cats did, too! Our cats have no fear of bees. |
Within a couple hours, the bees were already working the dandelions! You can see a bee on a flower here. The yard is already buzzing with bees working the dandelions. |
Standing in the bee yard. I am the official "record keeper". Each hive will be numbered and activity recorded throughout the season. | |
A close-up of the inside of a hive. That is burr comb towards the back of the hive. The bees love to fill in spaces with extra burr comb - gives them something to do, I guess! |
Just look at our beautiful wild plum trees in full bloom! Pretty soon the bees will discover these blossoms, and the whole tree will be buzzing with bees. |
1 comment:
Looking good. We could use a few bees around here. Bring a couple over. Our dandelions are in bloom and I guess the chokecherry or plum trees.
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