Please humor me a little and allow me to show off a couple photos of things around here. I got out the camera this morning and took some photos of how things look right now.
Check out these beautiful petunias I started myself from seed and put into baskets. My little "garden trolls" add a nice touch, don't you think? |
More beautiful flowers on the Ferris wheel planter Harold made for me. I started all these from seed, too. (My own seed saved from last year's plants) |
Our grapes are doing so well this year. In previous years, we were plagued with a fungus that decimated our grape harvest. This year, we found out what kind of fungal spray to use and also used ammonium sulfate granules around the base of the plants. It seemed to do the trick to hold down the fungus, and look at the grapes! We will have a huge harvest of grapes. These are Northern Valiant grapes, hardy for northern climates.
Many, many grape clusters growing nicely! |
The whole grape section, about 18 feet long:
The grape vines are just loaded with grapes this year. We will have plenty of grapes for juice to can up. |
The gardens are also doing well. Here is one of our 4 gardens:
I couldn't fit the whole garden in this photo, but you will get the idea. |
Harold and I find that growing things here on the farm is so gratifying! It's a lot of work, yes, but we enjoy seeing the fruits of our efforts. And it's nice to know that we can grow our own food, and I can grow my own flowers, too, without having to buy anything. It's basically our hobby!
1 comment:
Wow, and you say that you are not a good photographer. Nice pixs.
I can taste the grapes as I write this.
Keep up the "Good Life".
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