Some days it's a real battle with animals around here! We woke up this morning to see that our favorite cat, Smokey, had a face full of porcupine quills! Oh no! These weren't the real big ones, but smaller inch and a half size. He must have found a baby porcupine somewhere and tangled with it. Poor thing had them in his nose, mouth, and under his chin. I wrapped him in a thick blanket, put on heavy leather gloves, gripped him with a 'death grip' by the nape, and Harold began pulling them out with pliers. Of course Smokey would have none of this and it was a real battle. I think dogs are much more patient about this than cats are! We got down to the last one on his nose when he went totally berserk and worked his way out of everything, put a few new scratches in my arm and ran off to sulk. We found him behind a hay bale in his cat house with a bloody face. I tried to comfort him and pet his paws and he went for that OK because I think he was so scared. Tonight we may try to get that last one out. If we don't, according to the internet quills will work their way out but sometimes not in a good way. Smokey comes to me now again, but I don't dare try the procedure until much later. The last quill is only sticking out by 1/8 of an inch, so it will be a trick to get that one! The scratches he gave me this morning are still bleeding when I move my arm.
After all this, Harold and I decided to start planting corn. Things were going well until the other 14 farm cats decided it was time to inspect our business. Have you ever tried to plant seeds with 14 curious cats running, jumping, digging, and chasing all around you? We took a short break and that's when Harold discovered the extra beehives that we have reserved honey in, were scattered all over. Bears! During the night they must have decided to see if the unused hives had anything good in them to eat. The bears destroyed 5 hives worth of reserved honey-filled frames that we had planned to use for this year's bees. And they tore things up pretty good. The bears were most likely after bee larva, but they will take honey if larva isn't there. We will either have to move those empty hives somewhere else, or put an electric fence on them, too. I'm sure the bears will be back tonight for more honey.
While Harold decided to fix his truck, I started planting tomatoes. Pretty soon bees were after me! They were angry!! One bit me on the side of the head. I told Harold that the bees were very angry about something to come after me like that. Sure enough, upon inspection he found out that ANTS were getting into another hive and eating the bees' honey and the sugar syrup we put out for them! Yesterday we had a problem with ants in one of the hives, too. We can't use ant poison because that would kill our bees. So an alternative is to put used motor oil in cups (like a Cool Whip container) and set the hive on blocks inside the containers of oil. The ants will not cross the oil to get up into the hive, and the bees don't bother the oil. The ants that are in the hive already are stung and taken out by the bees. Harold did that yesterday and it solved the ant problem. Today he has to do the same thing for the other two hives. We have never had such a problem with ants before, so we don't know what's going on here.
Yesterday when Harold first tried to inspect what the bee problem was, he got stung badly at least a half dozen times in the eye. Today his eye is swollen and red and he looks like a prize fighter who lost the fight!
As if things weren't enough for today, when I went back to planting tomatoes one of my cats decided to come over and barf up his dinner right in front of me where I wanted to plant a tomato plant! I tell you - some days the battle against animal life is something else!! Living in the country can sometimes be real exciting!
Edited to add: We got the last porcupine quill out of Smokey's nose tonight! He didn't fight us too bad this time. I think he knew we were trying to help him. Afterwards I petted him, fed him, and gave him some warm milk. He is happy now, and hopefully will not tangle with any more porcupines!
Good Lord, what a fight it gets to be. But you know, it's still Bush's fault! I read somewhere once, that before you pull quills, you should cut the tips off. The quills are little air bladders and when you squeeze it, it inflates a bit making it harder to pull out. Carry on and smile.
We looked up that business about cutting off the tip of the quill. Supposedly that's an old wives tale. Today when I put on my white jacket I had on when I held my cat Smokey, I felt something pinch me. It kept hurting, so I finally inspected to see what it was. Would you believe it was a 2 inch quill stuck in my arm? Harold had to use pliers to get it out of my arm! Now I have a red spot all around where the quill was. I put on antiseptic and antibiotic, but I hope I don't get any "porcupine diseases"!
Can anything else go wrong? !!
I sure wouldn't like the idea of bears so close to my house. I'll have to tell Mom. She still insists a bear was tapping on her bedroom window when she was at your house!
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