This morning I had the opportunity to observe some deer who came to the yard in search of food. The snow is getting pretty deep now, and I'm sure food is getting harder for the deer to find. I cut up some old squash that wasn't going to make it in our cold storage area, and tossed it out in the yard for the deer to find. They sure do love pumpkins and squash. It was fun to watch the deer and their various actions and personalities this morning! A group of 5 does came to the yard. Only one doe was brave enough to come so close to the house - the others stood by and watched and patiently waited while she loaded up on food. Deer are such beautiful animals - that is, if they aren't eating my garden plants!!! Funny how they are OK in the winter to come into the yard, but in the spring I put up an electric fence to keep them out! When those beautiful creatures eat my newly sprouted green beans and cabbages, I am not happy with them. Anyway, here are some photos of their behavior this morning. It was a nice sunny day, about 22 degrees.
A doe is eating a piece of winter squash just outside the porch area. You can see another deer further back, cautiously waiting for her buddy to finish. They like to travel through the untilled garden area and check out if there is anything left to eat. I think other deer have come by, too, judging by all the snow dug up all over the place. |
Three other deer are waiting for the one doe to join them. They are too shy to come to the house. Another doe was waiting in the woods, just outside of the picture area. |
Oh my! After feasting on squash, the doe decided it was a good time to 'relieve herself' ! |
The doe finally makes her way back to the others, carefully following the tracks she came into the yard on. Deer usually follow the same pathways. Right now the snow is about 12 inches deep all over, and quite a bit deeper in drifted areas or in protected areas in the woods. The deer know it's always safer to go where they have been before. If deer could talk, you can almost hear the others saying "It's about time you came back to join us"! |
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