Saturday, January 26, 2019

Feline Food Line

This morning I took a cute photo of my farm cats as they were waiting for their morning chow.  I took this picture through the kitchen window because I knew if I went out the front door they would all come running to me.   They were all lined up intently staring at the front door, waiting for any sign of movement to indicate that it was chow time! (Except for one cat that had his back turned, and one cat staring off elsewhere).   My poor farm cats are having a tough winter!  It's been very cold, and next week looks to be outrageously cold.  Tonight it will be almost 29 below zero, Monday 31 below, Tuesday 40 below!, Wednesday 37 below and Thursday 33 below zero.  It finally "warms up" to 0 on Friday.   We have a small heater in the cat's house to help them out.  They sit in front of the heater for most of the day and night.   The deep snow around their house helps, too, to keep things warm.    Without the heater I am sure I would lose some of my farm cats.   All year long they are excellent hunters helping to keep things mouse-free around here, so they are important.
Ten of my farm cats patiently staring at the house, waiting for their morning chow time! When this photo was taken the temperature was 15 below zero F. A couple other cats decided to wait inside for mealtime, and sit by their heater.
I sure hope the cats...........and us!............can survive the big cold snap coming this week!  We are going to have some dangerous temperatures out there!

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