Today we are having a true Minnesota blizzard! This is the weather our state is famous for. Everything is cancelled today - churches, businesses and events. The highway patrol is advising no travel. Roads are closed. But everyone I know is well prepared for such an event as this. On Friday stores and gas stations were bustling with customers buying grocery essentials and gasoline for snowblowers, tractors, chain saws and generators. This is a heavy wet snow, the kind that can bring a tree down. We are very prepared with plenty of wood for the wood stove, plenty of food - and plenty of cat food, too! So it's a good day to just catch up on reading, take a nap or do a sewing project. I have been looking at all the latest seed catalogs we got in the mail, and planning my summer garden. The wind is howling, the snow is blowing and we are snowed in. But who cares? Life is good!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday. Ours was a little quiet without family here, but we did have several friends over for Christmas Day dinner and an afternoon of games and laughter. I look forward to the new year, as I always do. It is very hard to believe that 2020 is almost here! Hopefully a little more sanity will be the norm. Everyone I know is quite stressed out about happenings in this country. Maybe disgusted is a better choice of words than stressed out.
I took a few photos from inside the house. This is what I am looking at today!
Almost every window in the house looks like this. Not much of a view. |
One protected window has a bit of a view of our yard, car, and cat's home. |
At least my bay window in the living room allows me to see how much snow is blowing! |
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