I don't usually comment on politics, but I must say the past few weeks have been absolutely crazy! The hype, hysteria and panic over the corona virus has been nothing short of insane! I understand taking precautions, and I understand concerns. But the hoarding of supplies that is going on is close to ridiculous. Yes, I am talking about the toilet paper hoarding that's going on! I keep seeing news reports of this happening, but didn't think it was hitting close to home. Well, yesterday we were in Fargo for a doctor's appointment and at every store we were at that sold toilet paper, people were coming out of the doors with carts piled high with toilet paper! I'm not talking just a few rolls - but carts loaded with perhaps 100 rolls! And right behind someone coming out the door, was another one also piled high with dozens of packages of the paper. We went to a grocery store in another town, and every cart had rolls of toilet paper in it! The shelves of paper products were indeed almost empty. I don't know what this says about human nature except that there must be some sort of psychological thing going on. I didn't see much in the way of FOOD in those carts, so I have to wonder what everyone thinks they will be eating in the next few weeks? I wonder if the next panic buying will be cans of food or frozen foods?
Fortunately most people in my neck of the woods are always prepared! Up here in the cold north country we always prepare for winter, for storms, and for the "mud season" (which is already here). We are usually stocked with a great many essentials, and plenty of food supplies in our freezers and pantries because we often get snowed in, or the roads are impassable. A good homemaker always makes sure to keep the family well stocked. For those who are panic buying right now - I wonder if they are never prepared for more than just a few days? Maybe that's the difference between city folks and country folks - I don't know. But this whole toilet paper thing is getting almost too funny.
While the rest of the world is in a panic, we are doing well. The seeds I started a few weeks ago and up and growing nicely! Every morning it's fun to see how the plants have grown, and reassuring to see the seeds sprouting. I will be starting many more this weekend. I like to stagger plantings so that we always have fresh veggies for our market booth, and fresh flowers to replace ones that get gangly or die from summer heat.
Some of the pepper and flower seedlings growing nicely. |
More of veggie and flowers growing nicely. Soon I will transplant the seedlings into individual containers so that they can grow even better. |
This tray of Candy Sweet onions is doing very well! The onions are about 4 to 5 inches high already. |
Here is my basic set-up for growing. As the plants get bigger, I move the grow lights up higher. I leave the grow lights on all night long. When daylight comes I unplug the grow lights and let natural lighting take over. Then in the evening the grow lights are turned back on. We still have plenty of snow on the ground. I keep a couple buckets of melted snow water, to water the plants with, as it is better for them than regular tap water. Soon the whole area will have lots of trays of small pots after I transplant seedlings. Then I add a center board and have about 20 trays to water. Sometimes I fit some on top of the lights and add extra boards there, too. This set-up stays in my living room until late April. Then I start moving plants outside for a short time, and then they go into the greenhouse to really take off and grow! Most plants are set out into the garden by the third weekend of May or sometimes a little later, depending on the weather up here in the north country. |
To ease my stress over the craziness of the world lately, I baked some bread this afternoon! It's a cold day, it has been snowing all day long, and now the house smells wonderful! I baked Potato Wheat Bran bread, one of our favorites for toasting.
Three loaves of Potato Wheat Bran bread fresh from the oven. |
The world may be going nuts right now, but things are very calm and happy at Honey B Farm. The Good Lord continues to bless us greatly!
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