Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Salad Days

For the past several days we have been enjoying fresh salads for lunch!  Here I am picking some spinach, and there is plenty of baby romaine and buttercrunch lettuce and radishes in the background to add to the salad.   I have about 3/4 of the regular gardens planted.  We got a good dose of much needed rain yesterday, so when things dry up enough to work in the garden I still have hot pepper plants to put in, and tomato plants and cabbages.  I also need to plant various root vegetables and pumpkins and more green beans.    It sounds like we will have a Farmer's Market this summer with some restrictions for Covid 19, but we are not sure of the start date.
     It is SO nice to have fresh vegetables again!
A very nice stand of spinach ready for picking.
In my greenhouse, enjoying the fruits of my labor.

1 comment:

Willie Nilly? said...

Seems I got to this one a tad late and you must be super-busy judging by the length of it. :-) Nice to be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Hope it continues and I hope that Market manager comes back to reality. She may need an attitude adjustment?