Monday, August 17, 2020

Future Chicken House

Harold has been sawing up black ash saw logs, practicing for when he will saw up boards for our living room floor.  In the meanwhile, he has sawed up quite a bit of lumber to build a chicken house.  This chicken house will be half for the chickens and half for storage for us.   Harold and the neighbors have been keeping an eye out for really good trees, black ash, that will make good saw logs.  He contacted a mill the other day that will take our boards and groove them out, saw them to specified lengths, and kiln dry them for hardwood flooring for the living room.   That will be a next year's project.  Meanwhile Harold is enjoying sawing up some quality lumber from trees on our own 100 acres.  His home-built sawmill works like a charm!

Harold prepares to plane off the outside bark on some lumber pieces.
Evening up boards on the band saw.
Harold prepares to even up several boards at once.
He ends up with a pile of bark pieces, which will be good for fire starting.
Harold inspects some of the wood he just evened up.  You can see a big pile of newly sawed lumber he did yesterday.  How nice that he can create his own quality lumber from our own trees!
Just look at this beautiful cabinet grade lumber!
A closer view of some very beautiful black ash lumber.
Harold sawed some larger pieces, too.  These are 2 x 8 x 15 ft. long
These thicker boards are just as lovely as the 1 x 6's pictured previously.
Black ash has a lovely grain.  Now imagine a whole living room floor with this wood, all finished and seal coated!  I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

Chilly Willy said...

Boyz and their toyz huh? Looks to be rather enjoyable. Note: No hassle getting in. Zipped right to the blog page. Now I have to identify myself. Who will I be today? The Choke Cherry kid?