Sunday, July 28, 2013

Trip to Wisconsin

Every year I go to Black River Falls Wisconsin, a halfway point between South Bend Indiana and my house, and meet my sister and Mom.   Then I take Mom home to Minnesota and she stays with me for about 8 or 9 weeks to help with garden produce and the canning season.   This year Harold came with me, and we had a really nice trip.  We always take the back roads in Wisconsin - those roads that have letters on them like highway D or highway P , etc.   Trempealeau County is especially lovely, but pretty much all of western WI is great.   Those little towns are the cutest ever, and that part of WI is hilly dairy farmland.    Here is a photo of my Mom, sister, Harold, and brother in law at the motel we stayed at.   A good looking bunch, eh?

1 comment:

Diana said...

I'll take an 8 x 10 glossy