Today it was sunny and warm and the soil had dried up enough to till up and get things planted. Harold and I spent about 5 hours outside planting various things. It was enough for today. I think we are a little sunburned. Tomorrow and the next day will be even warmer, so by the end of the week we should have all 3 of our gardens planted. Today we planted green beans, 4 kinds of dry beans, carrots, and sweet onion plants. I was also able to put out my flowers and hanging planters. The cats were busy catching mice, we discovered a batch of 4 healthy new kittens, and the trumpeter swans were having a big territorial fight on the lake. Life is good again!
Here I am planting Walla Walla sweet onions that I started from seed in February. Look at all that "bee food" in the back yard! But I am going to mow it tonight. |
Harold prepares another row for planting onions. Besides the Walla Walla sweet onions, I planted Candy sweet onions. Sweet onions sell extremely well at our market booth, so we planted about 175 onions. We also planted red onions, white onions, and yellow onions. |
Our bees were just buzzing today, not only on the dandelions, but also on our wild plum trees.
Three of our wild plum trees. They produce lots of plums, but we have to fight the bears and the deer for the fruit! These plums are about the size of Italian prune plums, and are good not only for eating, but for sauces and jelly. |
One of our bees working a plum blossom. The plum blossoms are full of nectar, so this is a honey flow right now. |
We stopped working to come inside and have a lunch of steak and potatoes for Harold, pasta for me, and a salad. We enjoyed a salad from our greenhouse lettuce and spinach. It is SO nice to have fresh salad greens again!
A batch of freshly picked Romaine, Buttercrunch lettuce and spinach. I added some chopped hard boiled egg, grated cheese, and tossed with homemade sweet onion dressing. It was a yummy salad! |
Tomorrow we will plant cabbage plants, cucumbers, yellow beans, and winter squash. It is so nice to be out in the warm sun again. Makes a person feel human!
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