Today we decided to try planting a couple rows of potatoes in straw. We have heard that this method is an easy way to grow potatoes and has many advantages. This method cuts down on potato bugs, weeds don't' grow as much, and a person doesn't have to hill up the rows, which can be back breaking work with a hoe. When it is time to harvest the potatoes, the plants lift right up without digging. We are going to try a few rows of the traditional way, too, and then compare notes. Our goal for the straw potatoes is to harvest them at the baby stage - i.e. "new potatoes" - which sell like hotcakes at our market booth. I will have to keep you posted on how this method works. If anyone has already tried this method, please let me know how it worked out!
Harold has finished one row already and is starting another row. Several of our ever-helpful farm cats hung around to watch and play. |
Harold dug about a foot wide trench in the newly tilled soil. We also added a thick layer of composted manure we got from another farmer before digging. |
Harold sets in the potato pieces that we cut a few days ago. Cutting up the potatoes ahead of time allows the surfaces to heal, and the potatoes don't rot quite so quickly before they get going. |
One of our farm cats Tommy intently watches from a distance. Is he wondering what 'the human' is doing? |
Farm cat Boots Randolph watches, too, but thinks it is pretty boring. |
Covering up the second row with straw. Now Boots Randolph the cat, gets closer to watch Harold. Flinging hay around is interesting now! Hopefully our "ever-helpful" cats won't dig up the potatoes in the straw, as they love to dig. |
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